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Clinical Preceptors

Helpful resources for current and prospective preceptors

Thank you for agreeing to host a Wellness Workdays Dietetic Intern! We are thrilled to welcome our incoming class of dietetic interns and excited that you are interested in helping them achieve their goal of becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. We are so grateful for individuals like you who value education and mentorship and appreciate the difference you can make for the individual student as well as the field of dietetics.

Watch our Clinical Preceptor Orientation Webinar



Clinical Preceptor Sample Schedule

Rotation: 400 hours (about 10 weeks full-time)


Week 1:

  • Intern orientation

    • Review intern expectations and responsibilities

      • Dress code, start and end time, day-to-day duties, when to check-in during the day/week, etc.

  • Ensure your access to PRISM

  • Review rotation competencies with intern (see “competency checklist” below)

    • Review any additional learning goals


Week 2:

  • Begin to discuss potential quality intervention (QI) issues for intern’s QI Project

    • For example: patients receiving incorrect nutrition supplements, tube feedings being held longer than scheduled, etc.,

  • Begin to discuss potential patient(s) suitable for Case Study Project

    • Patient requiring significant MNT that the intern can follow for at least 4 days

  • Begin to discuss potential topics for the Journal Article Review assignment

    • Are there any topics you/your fellow RDNs have been wanting to learn more about or get a recent research update on?

  • Schedule dates for QI Project presentation, Journal Article presentation and Case Study presentation

    • Projects may be presented 1:1 or to other RDNs on staff as well


Week 5:

  • Review competency checklist together and devise a plan for meeting any unmet competencies by the end of the rotation

    • Intern’s program advisor may be called/emailed to help come up with a plan or provide additional assignments

  • Review remaining projects to be completed, presented and/or evaluated

    • Schedule presentation of any remaining projects

    • Complete any pending evaluations for projects intern previously presented

      • The Case Study, Journal Article, and Quality Intervention Project have evaluations


Week 9:

  • Schedule a date and time to review the completed Final Competency evaluation with your intern in their final week

  • Complete any pending evaluations for projects intern previously presented


Week 10:

  • Complete the Final Competency evaluation on PRISM

    • Please note a score of 3 or below means the competency was NOT met. A score of 4 or 5 indicates the competency was met.

  • Complete the Professionalism Evaluation on PRISM

  • Review Final Competency evaluation together with intern if able

  • Complete any pending evaluations for projects intern previously presented



  • Projects may be presented to and evaluated by an intern’s program advisor if needed. Please let the intern know as soon as possible if that’s required.

  • At any point in the rotation, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your intern’s program advisor with any questions or concerns.

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